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Research and Design Policy

What I want to cherish is what design can do so that we can live our lives without losing the "goodness that we have precisely because we are human" and make the most of it. I explore this theme and give shape to it.

For example, we seem to have less and less time to feel something spontaneously in our daily lives.

We tend to feel something through contents that aim to please us or stimulate our emotions, and I think we are losing the sensitivity that allows us to spend time feeling something spontaneously about things that just exist there.

The sensitivity highlighted here is a "good part" that we can have precisely because we are human beings.

There are many other good things that we humans possess, such as being able to care for someone or something other as well as ourselves, finding meaning in things and gaining the strength to move forward, and being able to create a rich time for our minds and hearts through meaning. I believe that these good qualities of human lie at the base of the coexistence between nature and people, and of mutual help between people.

However, I sometimes feel that we are gradually losing the good parts of  of the humans.

That is why we believe in the power of the tools that spend a long time with people, and through the relationship between tools and people, I am exploring designs that enable people to live a life that utilize the good parts that belong precisely to human beings.



Graduated from Okayama Prefectural University, Faculty of Design, Department of Industrial Design 


Worked in the Product Development Department,  Design Department, and then in the Strategic Management Department of KOKUYO CO.,LTD .


Fieldwork on furniture manufacturing and design in Southeast Asia, 

Research at the facilities and workplaces for people with disabilities in Japan

<2014- Now >

Kyoto University of the Arts / Faculty member of Product Design Department    (2014 - 16  Lecturer    /    2017 - 2022  Associate professor    /    2023 -  Professor)

Hoshigaoka Gakuen Foundation / Supervisor

Guest teacher at Konstfack in Sweden,  Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Finland, etc

In addition to research, classes, and seminars at the university, I participated in university administration, including the establishment of a support office for students with disabilities, the establishment of a personnel system for teacher evaluation, and the director of the admissions department.


Received Good design award and iF design award for the products I was in charge of while working for KOKUYO CO.

Individual awards received include the Porada internatonal design award (Grand Prize), Hida Furniture Award (Special Award), and other international competitions.

As a photographer, I have won awards in international photography competitions such as the MIO photo award, and exhibited at KYOTOGRAPHIE KG+ .

Featuring Research and Projects by KUA

2022.4.8   →   LINK 

Your own answers to the questions that experiments lead you to "A New Relationship between Boxes and People" and "Experiment and Exploration" Exhibition

2022.3.30   →   LINK

New Furniture for Children and Adults

2021.6.14   →   LINK

Design for Guide Dogs and Their Users

2021.4.13   →   LINK

Transforming the traditional techniques of Kyoto Buddhist altar into new products

2021.3.31   →   LINK

For Children to Enjoy Eating

2018.11.9   →   LINK

Beyond "What time is it? A new relationship between people and clocks" Exhibition

2017.11.17   →   LINK

Passing on the Baton of Learning "A New Relationship between Buttons and People" Exhibition

Media & Speaker

May 23. 2023 OPU FORUM 

Speaker at the 30th anniversary forum of Okayama Prefectural University → LINK

Oct. 22. 2022 Design Dimension

Speaker at the design conference "Design Dimension2022"

July 2. 2021  Mainichi Newspaper Evening Edition 

An article about the research process and results of guide dog harnesses.

The same article was also published in an online newspaper →    LINK

May 16. 2021  Osaka Nichinichi Newspaper Morning Edition

An article about the research process and results of guide dog harnesses.

July 20.2016  Kyoto Newspaper Evening Edition

An article about the cultural exchange with Metropolia University of applied sciences in Finland.

May 30. 2016  TBS  Bessatsu Asahi Journal

"Todoroki Project", a project to create a vehicle that goes down a hill on campus, was featured in a TV program and I made an explanation in the program. 

Feb. 9. 2016  Kyoto Newspaper Morning Edition

Article about the "Todoroki Project"

研究 と デザインのポリシー

大切にしたいのは、私達が “人間だからこそ持つことのできる良さ” を失わず、それを活かして生活できるよう、デザインに何ができるのか...。そのことを探求して、形にすることです。


どちらかというと 私たちを喜ばせたり、感情を刺激することを目的としたコンテンツを通して何かを感じている事が多く、ただそこに在るもの に対して自発的に何かを感じとり、時間を過ごせるような感性が失われているように思います。

ここで取り上げている感性も、人間だからこそ持てる "良さ" の一つです。

他にも、自分以外の誰かや 何かを思いやれること、物事に意味を見出して前に進む力を得ることや、意味を通じて心豊かな時間を作り出せることなど、人間だからこそ持てる良さ は たくさんあります。そして、それら人間の持つ良さが、自然と人との共存や、人と人との助け合いのベースにあると思います。


だからこそ、人間と共に過ごす時間が長い 道具 の力を信じ、道具と人間との間にある関係性を通じて、人間だからこそ持てる良さ を 活かした生活ができるデザインを探究しています。



岡山県立大学 デザイン学部 工芸工業デザイン学科 卒業 


コクヨ株式会社 商品開発部門・デザイン部門を経て 戦略統括部門



<2014- Now>             

京都芸術大学 / プロダクトデザイン学科 教員 (2014 - 16 専任講師 / 2017 - 2022 准教授 / 2023 -   教授

一般財団法人  星ヶ丘学園 / 監事

スウェーデン の Konstfack  , フィンランド の Metropolia University of Applied Sciences  など海外の大学においてguest teacher

大学では研究, 授業, ゼミの他、障がい学生支援室の立ち上げ、教員評価 人事制度の立ち上げ、大学入試部長など 大学運営に参画


コクヨ株式会社所属時の担当商品が Good design award、iF design award を受賞

個人では、Porada internatonal design award  最優秀賞受賞、Hida Furniture Award  特別賞受賞 などの国際コンペティションでの受賞​

また写真家として ​MIO photo award など 写真の国際コンペションでの受賞 やKYOTOGRAPHIE KG+ での展示など


2022.4.8   →   LINK 

実験が導く自分だけの答え 「箱と人との新しい関係」「実験と探求」展

2022.3.30   →   LINK


2021.6.14   →   LINK


2021.4.13   →   LINK


2021.3.31   →   LINK

こども達が 楽しくご飯を食べることができるように

2018.11.9   →   LINK

いま、何時? の一歩先へ 「時計と人との新しい関係」展

2017.11.17   →   LINK



2023.5.23  OPU FORUM 

岡山県立大学の開学30周年記念フォーラムで登壇 → LINK

2022.10.22 Design Dimention

デザイン カンファレンス ”Design Dimension2022” に登壇

2021.7.2 毎日新聞 夕刊 


同内容の記事は、オンラインの新聞でも配信 →    LINK

2021.5.16 大阪日日新聞  朝刊


2016.7.20 京都新聞 夕刊

Finland の Metropolia University of applied sciences  との ガチャガチャを使った


2016.5.30 TBS 別冊アサ秘ジャーナル

学内の坂を下る乗り物 を 制作する ”轟 project” が番組内で取り上げられ 出演 

2016.2.9 京都新聞 朝刊

”轟 project” についての記事が掲載

Takaaki Oe  /  Researcher, Designer, Professor of Kyoto university of the arts 

大江 孝明   / 研究者、デザイナー、京都芸術大学  教授

Photo :  

At Hoshigaoka Gakuen Foundation, by Kaori Ito