Place by steps
step 2021
帰宅すると、 ごはんの支度に、 洗濯に、掃除に.....と、おとなはとてもいそがしい。
「ねえねえ、今日ね保育園でね....」 とこどもが話しかけても、
「お父さん、まだ仕事で手が離せないんだ。 あとでな。」
最もコミュニケーションが取れる食事の時間も、テレビを見ながら ご飯を食べる家庭が多く、話題をテレビに持っていかれがち。
この踏み台は、昇るとおとなと同じ目線になれる。 目線を合わせて会話をしたり、おとながやっていることを横から覗いたりできる。
A design that creates a place for children near adults who are doing housework.
Today, there are many families in which both parents work.
When they come home, they are busy with cooking, laundry, cleaning, and ..... The adults are very busy.
When the child says, "Hey, hey, I was at nursery school today. .... When the child says,
The mom would say, "I'm cooking dinner right now, so please go over there and play."
The Dad would say, "I'm still at work, so I'll talk with you later."
Adults have so many things to do at home that it is difficult for them to have time to talk with their children.
Even at mealtime, when communication is easiest, many families eat while watching TV, and the topic of conversation tends to be taken up by the TV.
This stepladder allows the child to climb up to the same level as the adult. This allows the children to look at each other and have a conversation, or to peek at what the adult is doing from the side.
I hope that having children nearby in this way will be a good opportunity for conversation.
This step stool can also be used as a small chair and a desk.
It can be a small place for children to talk, read books, draw, etc. while adults are doing housework.
They are doing different things, but they can still talk to each other. Even if they don't talk to each other, they can spend time right next to each other.
Even if adults are busy, it would be nice if they could spend time like this with their children in their daily lives.