Design workshop for Konstfack

Stockholm, Sweden     2021

I again gave a workshop to Konstfack, where I stayed as a guest teacher the previous year.

Because of the spread of COVID 19, I was not able to fly there. But there was a good side that we can have a workshop online easily. 

・Workshop to think about design focusing on the difference between “see” and “feel”

・Workshop challenging new expression with vibration

・Lecture on how to incorporate nature into our design

・Discussion on concepts of nature in Japan and Sweden

Through the activities above and so on, I had an opportunity to broaden my perspectives as a researcher and a teacher.

I am profoundly grateful to Cheryl and Anna Maria, the teachers at Konstfack welcoming me warmly and giving me a lot of opportunities again. 

昨年、客員教員として滞在した Konstfack で、改めてワークショップの依頼を頂きました。​







今年も温かく迎えてくれ、多くのチャンスをくれた Konstfackの教授である Cheryl と Anna Maria に心から感謝します。