Guest professor at Konstfack

Stockholm, Sweden     2024

Konstfack is the oldest art university in Sweden and one of the leading art universities in the world.

Thankfully, I was able to return to Konstfack as a guest professor to have collaboration classes with teachers there and to have research exchanges. 

・Having classes and workshops based on my research

 (I learned a lot this time, especially by collaborating with Konstfack's Professor Cheryl from the planning phase of the class).

・Supervising graduate and undergraduate students on their graduation research

・Presented my research and conducted a workshop for researchers at the research event  "Research BAR".

Observing and exchanging opinions at Stockholm University of the Arts... etc.

I had the opportunity to give lectures to the Craft, Architecture, and Interior Design Departments in addition to the Product Design Department.

That makes my stay in Konstfack a very fruitful one.

Konstfack is a place where I can rethink how I should be as a researcher, as a teacher, and as a person.

It has always been a university full of exploration.

I sincerely thank Professor Cheryl for her warm welcome and the many opportunities she gave me, and the people at Konstfack for their kindness and hospitality.

スウェーデンで最も古く、世界屈指の芸術大学 であるKonstfack。


​・自身の研究をベースにした授業 と ワークショップの実施

 (特に今回は授業設計の段階からKonstfackの教授 Cherylと協同できたことで、大変良い勉強になりました)


研究イベント ”Research BAR” での 自身の研究発表と研究者向けのワークショップを実施

・Stockholm university of the arts 訪問  ...など




​温かく迎えてくれ、多くのチャンスをくれた 教授 Cheryl、そして心優しく接してくれたKonstfackの方々 に心から感謝します。

We started the course online initially from Kyoto / 最初は京都からオンラインで授業をスタート

With teachers and students of the industrial design department at Konstfack. I really appreciate them giving me special insights about my research and education.

With students of the interior and architecture department at Konstfack. I had some lectures for some departments to evoke their insight.

Research Bar