New relations between a tool and a person / introduction
道具と人の新しい関係 展 / 紹介
One of the studies I cherish is exploring new relations between a tool and a person. For example, is there any effective relationship that can be formed between a spoon and a person other than bringing food to the mouth?
It is questionable that a tool born with a certain purpose continues to have the same relationship with people throughout the changing times. The role of a tool can be redefined as a society and people's lives change over time.
A tool we have been using for a long time has a history and a development history. Designs that make use of them provide a sense of familiarity and freshness that new products do not have, as well as the deep narrative that lies behind them.
The result of this redefinition sometimes contributes to maintaining our humanity and has the power to move society in a good direction. I think the universality that comes from making use of the preconditions that tools have, and the creativity that comes from overturning the preconditions, are the sources of that power.
This is the first research theme I worked on when I became a faculty at the university. And I began sharing the methodology with students in 2017.
Since then, I supported my students' exploration by sharing the methodology once a year, and meanwhile, I was working on my own exploration of the same theme with my students and showing my own process.
Here is a sampling of some of the exhibits I have done so far. If you like, you are also welcome to visit our next exhibition.
Takaaki Oe
これまでに行ってきた展示の一部をここで紹介いたします。 もし良ければ、次回の展示もご高覧下さい。
大江 孝明
New relations between a lid and a person / ふたと人との新しい関係展
exploration process and prototype / プロセスとプロトタイプの展示
New relations between a box and a person / 箱と人との新しい関係展
exploration process and prototype / プロセスとプロトタイプの展示
New relations between a calendar and a person / カレンダーと人との新しい関係展